Statement on Anti-Asian Violence

March 22, 2021

Dear CEAS Community Members, 

The recent event in Atlanta draws greater attention to the rise in hate crimes against Asians and Asian Americans. According to the California State University's Center for the Study of Hate and Extremismanti‐Asian hate crimes surged 149%, while overall hate crimes dropped 7% in 2020. Although America has a history of anti-Asian incidents from the China Exclusion Act in 1882 to the murder of Vincent Chin in 1982, harmful rhetoric and violence has increased around the pandemic, and this trend continues.    

Over the last year, segments of America have united against racism and hate to demand social justice. Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities have organized, and their local as well as national voices are being heard. We at CEAS support increasing awareness and action against hate crimes.   

Even though the data and media reports are important to raise awareness, the current reported data does not capture the extent of anti-Asian hate crimes across the nation. For decades, many of these incidents went unreported. Therefore, it is critical for our community as a whole to be aware and to take action against hate crimes. To report hate crimes on campus, see the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access (IOA), and to report to the national database visit the Asian American Pacific Islander webpage. Additional resources include KU Counseling and Psychological Services and International Student Support Services.

CEAS is committed to supporting our community and we stand in solidarity against hate crimes.


John James Kennedy, CEAS Director