Yan Bing Zhang
- Professor
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Bailey Hall, room #101
Biography —
Dr. Yan Bing Zhang is a Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Kansas. She served as the Director of Undergraduate Studies from 2006 to 2017. Yan Bing studies communication, conflict management, and intergroup/intercultural relations with a particular focus on age, ethnic, and cultural groups. She is interested in the ways in which cognitive schemas, societal norms and values, and media representations of groups relate to communication, relational, and identity processes. She also studies the influence that intergroup/intercultural contact has on interpersonal outcomes and reduction of intergroup prejudice and biases. Her publications have gained places in some top domestic and international communication and interdisciplinary journals including Journal of Communication, Communication Monographs, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Media and Society, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, International Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Journal of Family Communication, Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Asian Journal of Communication, and China Media Research.
Research —
Dr. Yan Bing Zhang studies communication, conflict management, and intergroup/intercultural relations with a particular focus on age, ethnic, and cultural groups. She is interested in the ways in which cognitive schemas, societal norms and values, and media representations of groups relate to communication, relational, and identity processes. She also studies the influence that intergroup/intercultural contact has on interpersonal outcomes and reduction of intergroup prejudice and biases. Her publications have gained places in some top domestic and international communication and interdisciplinary journals including Journal of Communication, Communication Monographs, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Media and Society, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, International Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Journal of Family Communication, Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Asian Journal of Communication, and China Media Research.
Research interests:
- Cultural values and age stereotypes in China
- Advertising, media effects, and intergenerational communication in China
Teaching —
Dr. Zhang's teaching interests include intercultural communication, culture and communication, mass communication, East Asian communication, communication and intergroup relations, quantitative research methods, and statistics. Classes Dr. Zhang teaches frequently: COMS 946: Communication and Intergroup Relations COMS 856: Research Method: Quantitative Analysis COMS 852: Research Method: Experimentation and Quantitative Analysis COMS 557: East Asian Communication COMS 654: Mass Media: Social Scientific Approaches to Mass Media Effects COMS 356: Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods in Communication Studies COMS 246: Introduction to intercultural communication